Optimize Business Efficiency with the Key Function Flow Map (KFFM) 3hag coaching commit to growth fy2025 gutitout kffm metronomics systems team team alignment teams Oct 04, 2024

Optimizing how our businesses operate and make money should always be at the foundation of our growth strategy. The Key Function Flow Map (KFFM) is one of the most powerful tools in streamlining...

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Is It 'Good Enough' for Now? Essential Questions to Ask After 'Gut It Out' Planning 3hag business ceo coaching growth habits leadership leading mgs success teams Aug 22, 2024

As a serial CEO and now as a coach, I've found myself frequently using the phrase “Good Enough”—and I mean every single day! This wasn't always the case. As a former...

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4 Strategies to Embrace Being Wrong and Achieve Success 3hag business ceo coaching growth leadership leading mgs success teams Aug 15, 2024

Recently, I rewatched Kathryn Schulz’s TED TALK that synopses her book, Being Wrong. It is one of my favourite business books. It is such a humbling reminder that we are...

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The One Question Every CEO Should Ask & How It Transformed My Business Success 3hag business ceo coaching growth habits leadership leading mgs success teams Aug 15, 2024

When I was CEO of two high-growth companies, I was constantly asked questions. It felt like my main responsibility was being the question master. Initially, I made the mistake of trying to answer...

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7 Reasons To Implement Scorecards For Your Team kffm leadership teams Aug 06, 2024

Every team member should have a functional scorecard...

Much like players in football, soccer, or hockey. Each own a specific position. Just as athletes know their roles and how to contribute to...

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SWIMLANES! DIVING INTO THIS GAME-CHANGING TOOL AND ITS DEBUT ON METRONOME GROWTH SYSTEMS PLATFORM 3hag business ceo coaching education growth humansystem leadership leading learning mgs success teambuilding teams Nov 09, 2018

This week I was with a client, solely working on their strategy and then operationalizing it.  For two full days, I worked with their leadership team on their External Map, to their ...

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THE MISSING PIECE TO ACHIEVE TRUST WITHIN YOUR TEAMS. ANSWERING WHAT IT IS, WHY IT IS SO HARD TO GET, AND HOW TO GET IT! 3hag business ceo coaching growth leadership leading mgs success teams Oct 12, 2018

At the foundation of every high-performing team is Team Trust.  Not one-on-one trust (well, you need that too), but TEAM trust. This is where team members are comfortable and feel...

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MEETINGS: ITS MORE THAN JUST THEIR RHYTHM, IT’S ABOUT WHAT YOU TALK ABOUT IN THEM! THE BRUTAL FACTS! 3hag business ceo coaching growth leadership leading mgs success teams Sep 20, 2018

Growing a company is much like becoming a champion sports team. You need a high performing team and a plan for the long term, the near term, and the now. The team follows a disciplined process to...

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WHO HAS TIME FOR THE 10,000 HOUR RULE OF MASTERING ANYTHING? WHY YOU DON’T NEED 10K HOURS TO RIDE THE ROAD OF MASTERY. 3hag business ceo coaching growth leadership leading mgs success teams Aug 18, 2018

I loved learning about the 10,000 hour rule when Malcom Galdwell brought it forward in his book “Outliers”.  The 10,000 hour rule was derived from the work of Psychologist K Anders...

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THE “OBVIOUS” LEADERSHIP STYLE WILL DRIVE YOUR BUSINESSES TO SUCCESS 3hag business ceo coaching growth leadership leading mgs success teams Jul 27, 2018

When I was building my first company, looking for examples of how to build a culture of trust, there were not as many visible or discussed as there are today. (Jim Collins definitely put a large...

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