Columbus, OH
Jon brings over 30-years of leadership, management, and coaching experience to his work in helping clients. He was the Founding Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at The Ohio State University and has built an 12-plus year proven track record as a Four Decisions® Certified Coach helping clients in healthcare, education, entertainment, … . He is inspired to help change the world for the better, one meeting at a time.
- 3HAG Way
- Strategic execution
- Team health & alignment
- Healthy accountability
- Business dynamics and strategic execution
- Team dynamics and team coaching
- Management and leadership development
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Clarkson University
- Master of Science in Management Systems, Clarkson University
- Ph.D. in Education, The Ohio State University
- Franklin Covey, Gazelles Inc., Gravitas Impact and 3HAG Way Trained Coach
- President, Enlightening Living, Inc.
- President, Buckeye Gazelles Association
- Founding and Managing Director, The Ohio State University Center for Entrepreneurship
- Head Basketball Coach – Collegiate, High School, and 6th Grade levels
Jon is recognized as a secret weapon to companies and teams looking to create strategic power, healthy alignment, and elite execution. He has worked with clients in a variety of industries. His progressive degrees in engineering, management, and education provides him with a unique understanding and influence regarding the psychology of team dynamics, team learning, team alignment, team productivity and team growth.
Jon brings over 30-years of leadership, management, and coaching experience to his work in helping clients. He was the Founding Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at The Ohio State University from 2001 to 2004 and has built an 13-plus year proven track record as business coach helping clients in healthcare, education, entertainment, software, manufacturing, banking, housing, marketing, HVAC, electrical, lighting, language translation, landscaping, financial services, contact center, IT services, and print services industries. He is inspired to help change the world for the better, one team meeting at a time.
As a spiritually inspired father, his 13-year-old daughter keeps him busy and entertained. Jon also enjoys biking and golf to stay physically and mentally challenged outside work.